Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2024

If you would like to the journey from Dhaka to Dinajpur Train’s journey, you want to know about the Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Schedule. Bangladesh Railway arranges the train services within this route. According to the Bangladesh Railway train solutions, here we’ve described all of the schedules with their details.

Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Dhaka to Dinajpur Train List

Bangladesh railway supplies two train services within this route. According to the Bangladesh Railway, the train titles are

  1. Ekota Express
  2. Drutojan Express

Both trains operate Dhaka to Dinajpur and Dinajpur to Dhaka. If you would like to see, you want to learn about this train schedule. We’ve supplied the details schedule under.

Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Schedule

As we’ve mentioned previously, two trains operate on this route. For Dhaka to Dinajpur, the trains begin their journey in the afternoon. Ekota Express begins the journey at 10 am and arrives in Dinajpur at 7.40 pm. In the same way, Drutajan Express departs from Dhaka at 7.40 am and reaches Dinajpur Railway station at 5.30 pm. An individual ought to remind that Ekota Express does not operate on Tuesday from Dhaka. Before making a trip, you need to take care of it.

Train No. Train Name Off day Departure Arrival
705 Ekota Express Tuesday 10.00 AM 07.40 PM
757 Drutajan Express No 07.40 AM 05.30 PM
Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Dinajpur to Dhaka Train Schedule

The same two trains operate in Dinajpur to Dhaka. While creating a journey, you need to be conscious of this Dinajpur to Dhaka train Schedule. Ekota Express departs from Dinajpur at 23.00 and reaches at Dhaka at 8.10 in the afternoon. Likewise, Drutojan Express runs from Dinajpur at 9.15 am and arrives in Dhaka at 18.10. Monday and Wednesday are the off afternoons of Ekota Express and Drutojan Express, respectively.

Train No Name Off Day Departure Arrival
706 Ekota Express Monday 23:00 8:10
758 Drutajan Express Wednesday 9:15 18:10
Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Ekota Express

Ekota Express is among the most well-known trains on Dhaka to Dinajpur Route. It runs six days each week. If you would like to earn the journey from Dhaka to Dinajpur or even Dinajpur to Dhaka through the train, then it’ll be your very best option. Also, but you might also see unique substations of Ekota Express. Ekota Express does not operate on Tuesday from Dhaka and Monday from Dinajpur. The Train Number of Ekota Express is currently 705 out of Dhaka and 706 from Dinajpur.

Drutajan Express

Drutojan Express is just another intercity train of Dhaka to Dinajpur and Dinajpur to the Dhaka route. If you wish to have a train journey on the Dhaka Dinajpur route, Drutojan Express is just another selection of yours. It runs seven days per week out of Dhaka and six times from Dinajpur. Wednesday is the away day Drutojan Express. Drutojan Express train amount is 757 and 758, respectively, from Dhaka and Dinajpur.

Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Ticket Price

This is the full list of Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Ticket cost. We’re happy to remind you, the train ticket cost is dependent upon the train seat course. There are various sorts of seat courses in the Bangladesh Railway. You can choose, depending on your budget and options. From the table below, we’ve mentioned the Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Ticket fare.

Seat Class Ticket Fare
Shovon 360 BDT.
1st Birth 855 BDT.
AC Birth 1478 BDT.
AC Seat 983 BDT.
First Seat 570 BDT.
Shovon Chair 430 BDT.
Snigdha 822 BDT.
Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price

Dhaka to Dinajpur Mail train

Dhaka to Dinajpur is a lengthy journey. The intercity train is your ideal selection for you. Regrettably, Bangladesh Railway does not supply any email train providers on this route. So, there is no email train accessible for the Dhaka Dinajpur Train journey.

If you want to collect the online ticket than go here…

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